Volvos are popular choices for car buyers in California and around the country who place safety above all other considerations, and the Swedish company has developed a reputation for introducing new accident avoidance technology before other carmakers. Volvo added to their safety legacy recently by announcing that it will soon be installing sensors and cameras in its vehicles that are designed to detect signs of distracted or intoxicated driving.

According to Volvo, the sensors and cameras will observe driver and vehicle behavior and then slow cars down and park them safely to prevent serious accidents. The technology will intervene when vehicles weave across lanes, driver reactions are not as rapid as they should be, no steering input is noticed for a dangerous amount of time or motorists look away from the road ahead for more than a matter of seconds. Volvo has also announced that all of its 2020 cars, SUVs, crossovers and wagons will be limited to a top speed of 112 mph.

Traffic accident fatalities have soared in recent years despite the introduction of autonomous safety systems, and drunk and distracted driving remain persistent road safety problems. Fatality figures gathered by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reveal that impaired motorists caused accidents that claimed the lives of 10,874 road users in 2017 alone.

Road users who are injured in distracted or drunk driving accidents often choose to pursue civil remedies. When representing such a client, experienced personal injury attorneys may scrutinize police accident reports closely. This is because most civil lawsuits are resolved at the negotiating table, and reckless motorists or their insurance providers may be more eager to settle when law enforcement provides evidence of negligent behavior. Another reason car accident lawsuit defendants might settle is because civil plaintiffs are not required to prove their cases beyond reasonable doubt.